Palliative care hub

Anyone who has a life-limiting illness and is registered with a GP in Milton Keynes can call our 24-hour advice and support line.

We're here to help

In autumn 2023 we launched the Milton Keynes Palliative Care Community Hub to provide a single point of contact for palliative patients to get the support they need.

As a patient calling the hub, we can help you with:

Practical advice and support

Relieving your symptoms


Medication advice

Planning your future care

We can also direct you to other services if you’re not sure who best to turn to, making sure your care is co-ordinated in the last few years of life. Day or night, you can call our team for support and reassurance with any concerns you may have. Patients’ carers, family and friends can also call the advice line, as well as healthcare professionals.

Staff from our experienced Willen at Home and In-Patient Unit teams answer the hub line. They work closely with healthcare providers, including GPs, the hospital, community nursing teams and paramedics, to make sure patients’ care is coordinated. The hub was set up with the support of the Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Clinical Commissioning Group, and has funding to run for 12 months.

For free advice and support, call the hub on 01908 306962.

Our services

We provide compassionate, specialist care and support through our range of services.

Support for you

If you're caring for a friend or family member, we have support available for you.